Looking for a Courier Company With 75+ Years Experience

Freight and Pallets Transport Across Melbourne, Gippsland & Beyond

  • Affordable Rates

  • 75+ Years Experience

  • Same Day Delivery

No waste of time & money Look No Further for Your Transport Partner

Freight Transport We handle Next Business Day Deliveries across Melbourne, Gippsland & Beyond, while offering individual and economic solutions.

Third Party Logistics Specialized in providing procurement, Order Fulfillment, Storage, and Transport services.

On-Forwarding Systematized coordination amid an extensive network of transport providers to provide a seamless experience for our customers.

Affordable Rates for Your Transport Get Your Free Quotation Today

Most of our Customers Say

Debbi Wade
Office Manager @ Advance Cutting Technology

" Auz Country Carriers have always provided our company with fast and efficient courier service within Victoria. Customer Service is always excellent "

We Cover All Of Melbourne Metro Areas

We Cover All Of Melbourne Metro Areas

Our Service Areas

Look No Further for Your Logistics Partner…

+61 3 9798 0388

Melbourne 3/155 Abbotts Rd,
Dandenong South, VIC, 3175

Phone : +61 3 9798 0388 Fax : +61 3 9798 0688

Gippsland 32A Swan Rd,
Morwell, VIC, 3840

Phone : +61 3 5133 8088 Fax : +61 3 5133 8300

Bairnsdale 12 , Bairnsdale-dargo Road,
Bairnsdale, VIC, 3875

Phone : +61 3 9798 0388
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